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Miscellaneous Accident Insurance covers a wide range of insurance options, namely financial, industrial, personal accident, medical, business categories and general categories.

Financial Category
  • Cash In Transit Insurance
  • Cash in Safe Insurance
  • Cash on Counter Insurance
  • ATM Booth Insurance
  • Bank Lockers Insurance
  • Credit Card Fraud & Forgery Insurance
  • Fidelity Guarantee Insurance
  • Bankers’ Blanket Bond Insurance
Industrial Category
  • Burglary & House Breaking Insurance
  • Workmen’s Comprehensive Insurance
Medical Category
  • Health Plan Insurance
  • Dread Disease Insurance
  • Overseas Medi-claim Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance
  • Peoples Personal Accident Insurance
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Product Liability Insurance
  • Employers’ Liability Insurance
Business Category
  • Golf Hole-in-one Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Hotel Owners’ All Risk Insurance
General Category
  • Householders’ Comprehensive Insurance
  • All Risk Insurance

Dread Disease Insurance Policy

If policyholder died due to the following 6 dread diseases, “Dread Disease Insurance policy” will provide the financial assurance to the nominee. Nominee will get the benefit equal to the sum insured.

  1. Coronary Heart Disease
  2. Heart or Brain stroke
  3. Cancer
  4. Kidney Failure
  5. Organ Transplant
  6. Multiple Sclerosis

This policy can be taken from sum insured Tk.1,00,000 to sum insured Tk.25,00,000. This policy needs to renew annually.

The policy has been designed for the people between the ages of 18 years and 65 years. Please Note: Above six Dread Diseases will not be covered under any pre-existing condition of the policyholder. So, if any person suffered by any of these diseases before taking the policy, he/she will not able to take this policy.

Necessity of Dread Disease Insurance Policy

Now-a-days, our life style demands more and more revolution in terms of technological improvement. Although our life has been contented and comfort with the blessings of science, risks have been increased as well affecting by different deadly diseases. When families lose their earning member due to any mishap, they find no way except helplessness. For the sake of compensating the crisis, Prime Insurance Company Ltd. offers financial pledge through this “Dread Disease Insurance Policy” with a minimal annual premium. At actual sense, life value cannot be compensated by anything but in this rainy day, this financial support at least helps them to overcome the situation. So, for assuring your future and making your life comfortable and harmonious, choose our “Dread Disease Insurance Policy”.

Dread Disease Insurance Policy Rating Chart

Age Premium Rate (%)
18-30 0.1463%
31-40 0.3042%
41-50 0.8307%
51-60 1.9710%
61-65 2.3256%

People’s Personal Accident Policy

Any unfortunate incident could be responsible for our death or organ malfunction. For compensating this occurrence, insurance policy will provide up to sum insured limit Tk.1,00,000 against a minimal annual premium Tk.74 including 15% VAT to the policyholder.

Schedule of Compensation

  1. Death (within 6 calendar months of injury) – Capital sum insured
  2. Total permanent loss of sight of both eyes/total permanent loss of both hands/both feet/one eye and one Limb/one hand and one foot (Within 6 calendar months of injury) – Capital sum insured
  3. Total permanent loss of sight of eye/total permanent loss of one hand and/one foot sum insured (within 6 calendar months of injury) – 50% of Capital
  4. Permanent total and absolute disablement caused by injury (Within 12 calendar months of injury) – Capital sum insured

Necessity of People’s Personal Accident policy

We are facing lots of unfortunate mishaps in our routine life. In contrast to, tackling that indecisive situation, we will find less people supporting us financially as well as mentally. So, a proper pre-plan which is related to accidental issue can eradicate our financial problem and make our life smooth and harmonious. In RMG sector’s workers can face unfortunate event at any time which could be the cause of their partial disablement, disablement or even death. This policy can give them financial support in that vulnerable situation even to the nominees in case of the death of the insured. In your rainy day, “People’s Personal Accident” Policy will give you monetary support with a minimal premium.

People’s Personal Accident Policy Rating Chart

Aspect Rate
Amount per head Tk.60.00
Stamp Tk.5.00
VAT Tk.9.00
TOTAL Tk.74.00

The policy has been designed for the people between the ages of 18 years and 65 years.

You can take this policy from any of the branches of Prime Insurance Company.

Health Insurance Policy

Prime Insurance Company will bear the medical cost of the policyholder if they get admitted into hospital due to sudden sickness and/or accident and/or pregnancy. This insurance policy will provide comprehensive cover related to hospitalization where room rent, consultation fee, investigation fee, medicines and other ancillary expenses are incorporated.

Why Health Plan is indispensable

Prediction is uncertain for sudden illness or accident whereas sufferings are assured along with medical expenses. Now-a-days, medical cost is getting expensive for having proper treatment. As a result, injured person and his family have to face a lot of problem seems too difficult while arranging money within a short period of time. For minimizing the problem, Prime Insurance Company brings a radical change through offering the effective and advantageous policy for the injured person as well as his/her family members.

So, for making your life stress less and harmonious, choose our “Health Insurance Policy”.

Prime’s Offering

We have designed our products into three slabs for our clients:

Age Premium Rate (%)
BASIC Plan Tk.25,000
Standard Plan Tk.50,000
Super Plan Tk.75,000

You can take this policy from any of the branches of Prime Insurance Company.

Group Discount

No. of persons Discount on premium (%)
100 N/A
101-200 5.00
201-300 7.50
301-400 10.00
401-500 12.50
501 and above 15.00

Health Policy Premium Chart Annual Premium

Age Basic Plan - Annual Limit Sum Insured 25,000 Standard Plan - Annual Limit Sum Insured 50,000 Super Plan - Annual Limit Sum Insured 75,000
Single Couple Single Couple Single Couple
Up to 36 years 426 783 809 1,478 1,043 1,930
36-45 years 522 978 991 1,861 1,304 2,412
46-50 739 1,391 1,404 2,643 1,826 3,379
51-55 1,065 1,978 2,026 3,757 2,609 4,825
56-60 1,500 2,783 2,852 5,287 3,652 6,757
Each Child 357 678 887

Prime Health Plan and Overseas Mediclaim policy

In spite of being intricate the life style of people in Bangladesh, the standard of living increases proportionately. Now, the people are very conscious for their life style. Our life style demands more and more revolution in terms of technology, food habits, habilitation and so on .It makes our life contented whereas creates pollution, global warming, geographical changes and many more negative impacts on our life. In a nutshell, while enjoying our blessing of changes, besides many unfortunate mishaps and diseases are increasing in a high rate. So, becoming ill or sudden mishap is certain whereas arranging money for proper treatment within short time is indecisive. Like everything else, cost of Medicare is also increasing which is a cause of agony to everyone. Health Insurance provides financial guarantee in case of hospitalization thereby reducing the agony. In this regards, Prime health plan brings a radical change in our life by offering us such kind of Health Insurance policy which is effective and advantageous. If any person takes this policy, he will get the monetary support as well as mental satisfaction through its offerings for the policyholders by bearing the cost of hospitalization up to striking sum insured.

The insurance provides comprehensive cover for all expenses (up to sum insured limit) related to coverage of group hospitalization which among other things includes room rent, treatment/surgery & other related expenses.

Who all can opt Prime Health Plan

The product has been designed for groups and can include families of the members who are in good health and between the ages of 3 months and 65 years.

Our offerings

Our “Prime Health Plan” provides health insurance for your employees and group of families with the following slabs:

Slab Rate
Prime Platinum Tk. 7,50,000
Prime Gold Tk. 5,00,000
Prime Silver Tk. 3,50,000
Prime Green Tk. 2,00,000
Prime Standard: Tk. 1,00,000
Prime Basic Tk. 75,000

Normal Benefits

  1. 30 days pre and 60 days post hospitalization benefits;
  2. Hospitalization benefit including room rent 2% of sum insured (for 15 days), consultation fee, routine investigation, surgery (Major and Intermediate), medicines and ancillary services;
  3. ICU facility, 3% of SI (Sum Insured) for 10 days:
  4. Maximum Tk. 3,000/- for Ambulance services;

Additional Benefit

  1. Overseas treatment in India, Singapore and Thailand at 40% extra premium;
  2. Overseas treatment only in India at 20% extra premium;
  3. Maternity benefit on additional premium.
  4. Critical illness benefit can be covered on additional premium. The plan is offered to anyone in good health and between the ages of 3 months and 45 years.

Following Critical Illness will be covered up to sum insured:

  1. Cancer
  2. End stage renal Failure;
  3. Multiple Sclerosis;
  4. Major Organ Transplant;
  5. Myocardial Infarction;
  6. Heart Valve Replacement
  7. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft;
  8. Stroke;
  9. Paralysis

Accidental Death cover and permanent total disability over up to sum-insured.

Please note: Critical Illness will not be covered if it is discovered within 90 days after the issuance of insurance policy.

Overseas Mediclaim Policy

Overseas Mediclaim Policy is one kind of Health Insurance offered to Bangladeshi nationals while travelling abroad for business, recreational tour, and employment or study purposes. Overseas Mediclaim Policy protects a person while visiting a foreign country for different purposes and facing financial contingencies during stay there due to accident or sudden sickness;

The required information for a proposal form

It is mandatory for the insured person to fill up the proposal form prior taking the policy. It must be provided by the policyholder with utmost good faith that can be healthy for any future claims.

Claim Settlement

For getting the policy benefit, every insurer’s has a representative who provides assistance and render services world-wide in respect of claims to the OMP holders. If policyholder experiences sudden illness or accident in abroad, insured person needs to contact with the TPA which is mentioned in our policy at the time of his/her illness or injury. After that, TPA will take the responsibility to settle the payment procedure for getting them discharge from hospital but “that would depend upon submission of necessary claim documents”. If all the claim papers are received whilst the insured person(s) is (are) still travelling then payment can be made at that time, otherwise claims are settled once they returned from their trip.

Classification of OMP

Overseas Mediclaim Insurance Policy can be categorized in many ways. These are as follows:

  1. Purpose of the tour
    1. Business and Holidays
    2. Studies
    3. Employment
    4. Corporate Frequent Travels
  2. Country wise tour
    1. Schengen Country
    2. Non Schengen Country
    3. Worldwide coverage including USA & Canada
    4. Worldwide coverage excluding USA & Canada
  3. Classification by plan

    The overseas Mediclaim Policy can be categorized in terms of plans such as:

    1. Plan “A” (Worldwide excluding USA & CANADA)
    2. Plan “B” (Worldwide including USA & CANADA)
    3. Plan “C” (Worldwide)
    4. Plan “D” (Worldwide excluding USA & CANADA)
    5. Plan “D” (Worldwide including USA & CANADA)

In terms of purpose Plan ‘A’ & ‘B’ is used for Business and Holiday whereas plan ‘C’ is used for corporate Frequent Travel, Business only and plan ‘D’ is used for Employment and Studies.

The maximum sum insured limit is US$ 1,00,000 for world-wide coverage apart from schengen country and the maximum sum-insured limit only applicable for schengen country is EURO 30,000

Apply For Miscellaneous Accident Insurance

Prime Insurance Company Limited

Prime Insurance Company Ltd is a second-generation private Non-life Insurance Company in Bangladesh, established in 1996 under the purview of Companies Act 1994 and listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. in 2001. The Company is one of the leading Non-life Insurance Companies in the Country with specialized and significant expertise both in the form of traditional and non-traditional insurance business. Prime Insurance Company Ltd always works hard for the clients to deliver innovative products and services while maintaining a commitment to safety, security, and sustainability.